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Department of Computer Science 4
JOSEK first steps
  Getting Started
Dept. of Computer Science  >  CS 4  >  Research  >  KESO  >  JOSEK  >  JOSEK first steps
JOSEK - Getting Started

This guide provides help to get started using JOSEK. It assumes that you are familiar with the OSEK operating system specification and the OSEK Implementation Language file format that is used to configure the operating system.

This guide may not be complete. If you find something missing in this guide, please notify us.

After downloading and extracting the source snapshot of JOSEK, you should perform the following steps:

  • Install required software
  • Setup the Environment
  • Create an OIL file that describes your application and configures JOSEK to create an OS variant that is tailored towards your application
  • Run the JOSEK code generator to create the operating system
  • Compile the generated JOSEK source code and link it to your application

Required Software

JOSEK requires the following software:
  • A Java Development Kit (JDK), version 5 or higher, to build and run the JOSEK code generator.
  • The Java Compiler Compiler JavaCC, which is used to generated parsers e.g. for OIL files.
  • GNU make, which is used as build system for the JOSEK code generator.

Setting Environment Variables

JOSEK used the following environment variables that need to be set according to your environment:
  • JOSEK_BASE: directory containing the extracted josek source code
  • JAVA: name/path of the java executable

Create the Operating System

To create the operating system, run JOSEK on your configuration file:

${JOSEK_BASE}/ -h avr -c ${JOSEK_BASE}/josek/code/arch/ -o ./ -f example.oil

The above example assumes that you want to create a JOSEK system for an AVR target and that the configuration is stored in a file named example.oil in the current directory. The code generator will create the files os.c and os.h in the current directory (as specified by the output directory parameter -o). Your application should include os.h which contains the prototypes of the OSEK OS services and the OSEK data types. You can now compile os.c and link it to your application to create a binary image that can be flashed to the MCU.

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