How can I work with PEPSY?

PEPSY works on the computers of the CIP-Pool and the sun workstations of Informatik 4. All users with a valid account on one of these machines can use PEPSY.

What have I to do?

The program package is distributed via the automounter, the directory is /local/pepsy. This directory is the so-called PEPSYHOME. The programm binaries are in the subdirectory bin, which has to be included in your searchpath. Additionally the environment variable PEPSYLANG has to be set, because PEPSY allows the use of english, german and hungarian language. The following lines have to be included in the .cshrc file in your HOME-directory:

setenv PEPSYHOME /local/pepsy

setenv PEPSYLANG englisch

setenv MANPATH /usr/man:/local/man:$PEPSYHOME/man

set path=($path $PEPSYHOME/bin)

How do I work with PEPSY?

Important commands of PEPSY-QNS are eingabe (input), auswahl (selection) and analyse (analysis). After you start the programm eingabe on the command line you can interactively enter the parameters of the net and save the data to e.g. filename. Then you have to find out which analysis routines can be used with your net. You do this by typing in auswahl filename. After this you execute the analysis of the model with the command analyse routine filename. The results are shown on the screen and stored in a file.

If you type pinfo you get a list of all collected routines. Detailed information can be obtained via pinfo routine.

Further exists a GUI, xpepsy, which comprises all functionality from generating a net to analysing it.

Where can I get further help?

There are manpages for the most important commands: pepsy(1), eingabe(1), auswahl(1), analyse(1), pdiff(1), pcheck(1), pls(1), transform(1), zusatz(1).

In depth information is to be found in the following::

Kirschnick, M.: XPEPSY-Handbuch; Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg; Institut für Mathematische Maschinen und Datenverarbeitung IV; Tech. Report; Sep. 1993; (compr. Postscript, ~141kB).

Bolch, G., Kirschnick, M.: PEPSY-QNS - Performance Evaluation and Prediction SYstem for Queueing NetworkS; Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg; Institut für Mathematische Maschinen und Datenverarbeitung IV; Tech. Report TR-I4-21-92; Oct. 1992; (compr. Postscript, ~266kB).

Bolch, G., Kirschnick, M.: PEPSY-QNS - Ein Programmsystem zur Leistungsanalyse von Warteschlangennetzwerken; In: Walke, B., Spaniol, O. [Eds.]: Messung, Modellierung und Bewertung von Rechen- und Kommunikationssystemen; Kurzberichte und Werkzeugvorstellungen zur 7.ITG/GI-Fachtagung Aachen, 21.-23. Sep. 1993; Aachener Beiträge zur Informatik (Bd. 2), Verlag der Augustinus Buchhandlung, Aachen 1993, pp. 216-220.

Kirschnick, M.: The Performance Evaluation and Prediction SYstem for Queueing NetworkS - PEPSY-QNS; University of Erlangen-Nuremberg; Institut für Mathematische Maschinen und Datenverarbeitung IV; Tech. Report TR-I4-94-18; Jun. 1994; (compr. Postscript, 60kB).


Further information: and
Stephan Kösters
Last modified: Wed Dec 13 09:48:05 MET 2000