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Example Of SELECT CASE Construct

      SELECT CASE (num)

       CASE (6,9,99,66) 
     ! IF(num==9.OR. .. .OR.char==66) THEN
        PRINT*, "Woof woof"

       CASE (10:65,67:98)
     ! ELSEIF((num.GE.10.AND.LE.65) .OR. ...
        PRINT*, "Bow wow"

       CASE (100:)
     ! ELSEIF (num.GE.100) THEN 
        PRINT*, "Bark"

     ! ELSE
        PRINT*, "Meeeoow"

      END SELECT     
     ! ENDIF

An IF .. ENDIF construct could be used but a SELECT CASE is neater and more efficient.

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Adam Marshall ©University of Liverpool, 1996
Fri Dec 6 18:56:08 GMT 1996
Not for commercial use.