IMMD Home Page Up Help Thi, Ge - May 10, 1997


Here you can find links to various documentation about HTML, CGI, the HTTP protocol and maybe other web related stuff. Most of the information is stored locally for fast access. Some of the docs may be a bit old, therefore the links to the home sites are provided too.
Some links are marked as `(remote)', denoting that they are outside of this server.

The documentation of the locally installed w3 tools can be found at a different location.

Dot HTML-Dateien selbst erstellen

Tutorial how to write html documents (in german). The original version of this tutorial can be found at (remote) by

Dot Web/HTML Documentation and Developer's Resource

Various materials on HTML/HTTP/CGI... by Ian Graham. There exists a fast german mirror site for the above documents (which seems not up-to-date now). So maybe you want to look at the home site of the webdocs providing information about e.g.: HTML (remote), CGI (remote) and HTTP (remote).

Dot Documention on HTTP

HTTP Specification v1.0/05 (Internet-Draft, Feb. 96)
RFC 2068: Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1 (Jan. 97)
RFC 2069: An Extension to HTTP: Digest Access Authentication (Jan. 97)

Further documentation can be found on the W3 consortiums HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol overview page, or via the HTTP doclist maintained by Roy Fielding.

Dot Documention on HTML

Hypertext Markup Language 2.0 (a html version)
RFC 1866: Hypertext Markup Language 2.0 (Nov. 96)
HTML 3.2 Reference Specification (W3C Recommendation 14-Jan-1997)

Further documentation can be found on the W3 consortiums HyperText Markup Language overview page, their Technical Reports page or via the HTML doclist maintained by Roy Fielding.

Dot Documention on Javascript

Javascript 1.2 Programming Guide
Javascript 1.2 Language Reference

Further information can be found on the Netscape documentation homepage.

Maintained by Thomas Thiel Updated by Martin Geier.

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